Absence of Luttinger liquid behavior in Au-Ge wires: A high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study

Au-induced atomic wires on the Ge(001) surface were recently claimed to be an ideal one-dimensional (1D) metal and their tunneling spectra were analyzed as the manifestation of a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) state. We reinvestigate this system for atomically well-ordered areas of the surface with high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STS). The local density-of-states maps do not provide any evidence of a metallic 1D electron channel along the wires. Moreover, the atomically resolved tunneling spectra near the Fermi energy are dominated by local density-of-states features, deviating qualitatively from the power-law behavior. On the other hand, the defects strongly affect the tunneling spectra near the Fermi level. These results do not support the possibility of a TLL state for this system. A 1D metallic system with well-defined 1D bands and without defects are required for the STS study of a TLL state.

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